People Editor


People referenced by time frames are defined in this editor.  Only the person’s name is required.   If a nickname is supplied it is used in any generated Google calendar instead of the full person name.  The list of currently defined people appears in a list at the bottom of the editor.



People Pager


A maximum of five people are show at one time.  If more than five people are constructed the page navigation buttons


can be used to view people not currently shown.

Creating a New Person

When a unique person name is typed into the Person text field, the Add Person




button will become enabled.  Pushing this button will add the person to the list of defined people.


Deleting a Person

To delete a person, select the person in the list and push the Delete Person button.




Pushing this button will delete the person from the list of defined people. This button will be enabled only when a person is selected.


Renaming a Person

To rename a person, select the person in the list and push the Rename Person button.




Pushing this button will rename the person in the list of defined people. Any time frames referencing the old name will be updated to point to the new name. This button will be enabled only when a person is selected.


Returning to the Master Planner

To return to the Master Planner or to the Time Frame Editor you can push the Return button.




You can also use your browsers navigation buttons.  Any edited information will be saved on return.